Is Stupid Your Buddy?

A rich man does not sleep on a mattress filled with thousand dollar bills or even hundred dollar bills.  He may get a regular night’s sleep but his money never does because it’s working for him 24/7. Rich people are cruel that way.  His money is not doing laundry or vacuuming carpet, nothing that simple; it’s building things, things the rest of us use every day whether its ball point pens or the latest version of television.

That also means his money is creating job opportunities enabling the rest of us to put food on the table and send our kids to college.  It is building success ladders that we climb to some comfort level which we find agreeable.  The rich man’s money is essential to all of us.

When a particular kind of politician tells us he will raise taxes on the wealthy in order to curry our favor at election time, he is counting on major help from Stupid, a major factor in voting outcomes.  Stupid whispers in our ears, “great idea – it’s time the rich man suffered a little and sampled your pain”.

Will the government use that additional money to build success ladders for us to climb or even do our laundry?  Your answer will depend how good a buddy Stupid has become.  The correct answer is NO; it will go to employ more government bureaucrats who will create more regulations needing even more bureaucrats to administer them.  In the meantime, the rich man will not need to sell one second home, luxury car, yacht or airplane.  He will feel no pain.

It might surprise you to learn that the inflation adjusted per capita cost of government has tripled in just 60 years.  Stupid didn’t tell you that; Never mind.  You can get the numbers yourself from the internet and make your own calculation.

“Tax the rich to help the poor” has been weaponized through the years to the point that the radical left (there’s another kind?) seems to think that their dream of replacing our democracy with socialist, communist, Nazi style of authoritarianism is within reach with just a little more help from Stupid.  They have shown that get-out-the-vote efforts in cemeteries and neighboring jurisdictions can alter election outcomes with Stupid chiming in with a nothing-to-see-here shrug.

During the Obama administrations, their tactics swerved from a whimper to full-on aggression as they perceived a goal within reach. Patterned after George Orwell’s, 1984, their method focuses on creating dependency on the government by as much of the population as possible.  Efforts include diminishing the influence of God and religion while foisting on us the impoverishing regulations of man-made climate change, the biggest swindle in human history.

Heading in the wrong direction?  Kiss Stupid goodbye!

Go Trump Go!

For the life of me (literally?) I can’t make political sense of what’s going on in the aftermath of November 3.  A president with more accomplishments for his people than any in my memory (and that’s a long time) and everybody is turning their backs on him.
Sunrise brings a reminder of God’s exquisite engineering manifest in our solar system.  I understand the concepts of gravity and black holes but people voting to scrap our democracy is beyond my comprehension.
After puzzling over this for more than a month, I just read a nursery rhyme that gave me clarity for the first time.


Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Agreed to have a battle;
For Tweedledum said Tweedledee
Had spoiled his nice new rattle.
Just then flew down a monstrous crow,
As black as a tar-barrel;
Which frightened both the heroes so,
They quite forgot their quarrel.[1]
The Tweedles are democrat and republican politicians.  Which is dee and which is dum is immaterial – they are twins which has led to the confusion because we used to think they offered a choice.   The monstrous crow is Donald Trump who came here to take away their rattle and other toys not the least of which is a combination of Monopoly and The Price is Right called Who’s Got the Influence.
Influence is to Washington D.C. and environs what stocks are to the New York Stock Exchange.  It is bought, sold and traded everyday with us everyday chumps paying for it.  In essence, it’s about who has the hammer to add new regulations and bureaucrats to the Washington bloat. Per capita cost to taxpayers adjusted for inflation has tripled in just 60 years with no discernible benefit, at least not to us taxpayers.
So keep fighting President Trump.  There are millions of us everyday chumps rooting for you.

Tax the Rich and Screw the Poor

Making sense of all the loopy proposals for my happiness emanating from the political spectrum is making me dizzy.  Maybe sick to my stomach would be a more apt description and I’m nowhere close to wealthy.  I’m just glad to be an experienced sailor in case I decide to go to Hawaii after fossil fuels are trashed.

It is comforting to know that our wealthy are a viable source of the extra hundred trillion or so it will take to bring my happiness to fruition.  I wasn’t aware they had huge piles of thousand dollar bills they don’t know what to do with. I am truly Deplorable!












“1984” Style Liberalism in 2020

It’s where the money is.  That’s the answer to the question, where is the source of Democratic party leadership?  Money is power and leading without power is like watching the current crop of wannabes trying to catch the bridal bouquet.



Elites, oligarchy and control

Give and take.  Of ideas.  Solutions result.

Take away the give.  Conflict and inaction until one side or the other gets control. Control has replaced solutions as the ultimate objective.

And so, U.S. politics has evolved.

The Players

  • Elites, few-in-number who have instruments of control through wealth and influence.
  1. Wannabee fringe players who feed on their droppings
  2. Reflexively liberal media who see the surface of everything with depth measured in micrometers
  3. Academia whose positions are secured by their own liberality
  4. Politicians beholden to Elite largesse
  • Everybody else, large in numbers lacking resources and knowledge.
  1. Those who are too preoccupied with culture’s trivia to get it
  2. Those who get it and vote. That is the-rest-of-us
  • Politicians not in thrall to liberality who seek effective voice.
READ MORE https://thecomposteheapblog.wordpress.com/2017/10/19/elites-oligarchy-and-control/

 Liberal Prescriptions Have Passed Their Expiration Date

There was a land called Liberality
Who touted their own kind of morality
Pronouncements were shrill
Water flowed up hill
And spewed their own brand of banality

“Adrift – A Journey to George Orwell’s 1984” describes an inexorable slide into the abyss described in Orwell’s book.  It is a place where every aspect of human activity and desire is submissive to Big Brother’s prescription for the way you shall live. Along comes Mr. Donald J. Trump who says, “enough”, and against every establishment prognosticator, assembles a successful presidential bid with promises of big change.

In the past 48 years, three Republican presidents, Nixon, Bush 41 and Bush 43 have been little more than place holders for the next liberal onslaught against personal freedoms and the economic genius of the market place. With the exception of Ronald Reagan, these Republican interludes have seen feints to the political right until the mainstream media said naughty, naughty causing tacks back to the left followed by elections that brought the establishment ‘good-guys’ back into control.

Mr. Trump said he would turn the whole damn ship around 180 degrees and take us back to the land of the free and the home of the brave to a chorus of establishment snickers.  And, OMG, now he’s president and wasting no time and beginning to do what he said he would do. (What successful politician ever did that?)  Panic set in in the land of Liberality and when he showed the MSM that their ‘Tsk, Tsk’, naughty, naughty and nasty names didn’t phase him, they invented ‘Fake News’, assuming the voting public had returned to their usual post-election slumber.



Obscuring The Difference     4639435400_19d05fbc51_o

This is an apple; this is an orange. Although they are both fruits, one really wouldn’t confuse one with the other would they? As a matter of fact, they are so different that they are used to illustrate differences in things obscured by subtlety or even subterfuge.  If we attempt to compare a sports car and an SUV, we begin with noting that they are both motor driven four-wheel transport vehicles but to compare load carrying capacities would be ridiculous.  You might say that it is like comparing an apple with and orange.

Take for example presidential candidates and, more specifically, the terms used to describe distinguishing features which voters might use to choose one or the other.


So You Say  8276603038_88a63e5911_o

Under the heading of notable ‘premature demises’ may turn out to be this year’s presidential election. Poll results, such as they are, seem to be fueling the wishful thinking of some of the poohbahs in Donald Trumps adopted Republican party. They have already put the Champaign on ice in preparation for cork popping at Hillary Clinton’s November victory.

Fueled by media hysteria at the thought of a U.S. President having gained the office without their imprimatur, polls fuel the negaboobs whose insecurity has reached panty twisting levels at the thought of this interloper diminishing their party influence.  And, by the way, they have lost the last two presidential elections.


Shh!  I’m voting for Trump   ConsSpndGraphJ7.docx (2)

Between you and me, I’m voting for Trump, but don’t tell anyone.

Last night I saw someone interviewed who recounted an event at a recent lawyer’s conference he attended.  When they registered at the beginning of the event, they signed in with their name and who they were voting for president in November.  Hillary won 53 to 43 percent.  At the conclusion of the conference, they voted again, this time on a secret ballot.  Trump won 51 to 41.

This is the most thorough demolition of a liberal candidate opponent since Barry Goldwater.  But Trump shouldn’t take it personally.  Because of Obama’s dismal eight-year performance, the Democrat’s only hope of extending their White House lease is a successful character assassination of any Republican who came out of their convention with the nomination.


Say What?

Political Courage ???